Sunday, January 26, 2014

The unsinkable aircraft carrier

They arrived in 1942 to fight Germany. But they didn't head home in 1945. Nearly 10,000 US military personnel are stationed in Britain, based in dozens of secretive facilities.

British troops are now finally being pulled out of Germany. There is not the slightest suggestion, however, that US forces will be withdrawn from Britain in the foreseeable future.

NATO has changed from a self-declared defensive alliance against the Soviets into a colonial expeditionary force, used under the cover of increasingly discredited humanitarian rhetoric.

Britain's fake patriots who bleat about the power of the European Commission are more than happy to subordinate the country's foreign policy to the Pentagon and allow its forces permanent bases on British soil, from which military operations are routinely launched across the globe. Even Britain's own colonial-era overseas bases, such as Diego Garcia, have long been handed over to the US military, while its inhabitants were expelled.

From here

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