Sunday, September 03, 2017

Meet The West London Branch

Tuesday, 5 September - 8:00pm
Tuesday, 3 October - 8:00pm
Tuesday, 7 November- 8:00pm
Tuesday, 5 December- 8:00pm
Venue: Committee Room, Chiswick Town Hall, Heathfield Terrace, London W4 4JN

One of the myths perpetuated about the Socialist Party is that we are opposed to trade union activity. Anyone who knows anything about the SPGB knows this can't be true.  Many workers know from personal experience that members of the Socialist Party of Great Britain are involved in supporting and encouraging industrial organisation and action to improve wages and working conditions. Socialist Party members are active at all levels of the trade union movement - branch officers, shop stewards, works convenors, organisers, committee men, conference delegates, regular branch attendees - and in many unions and industries. We are active unionists because they are class conscious workers; they know that there is an irreconcilable conflict of interest between workers and capitalists and that all governments have to act as agents of the capitalists. we say it is up to the workers involved to work out the details of their demands and how to get them. As it is the workers in an industry or factory or office who have to take part in the struggle and suffer the consequences of any defeat, it is clear that they alone should decide what to do and how to do it. We do not tell workers what to do, except of course for general advice on the importance of democracy and the class struggle. We do not soft-peddle the class struggle. We do not claim ourselves as leaders. The Socialist Party, as a party, does not intervene in the affairs of trade unions. It is merely that we, as class conscious workers share a broad conception of what sound industrial action is.

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