Saturday, March 10, 2018

Against Charity

This review of a new book, "Against Charity" by Daniel Ravetos and Julia Wark highlights much of what the Socialist Party has criticised charity and philanthopy in the past.  If the present system is unsustainable, then why not a plan, an alternative, for the future, rather than palliatives and amelioration of conditions.

"Philanthropy, as the authors explain, acquired a new size and shape with industrial capitalism. Nothing could be more cruel that the treatment of workers and blue collar community members of a factory. company town or mining camp owned by the Rockefellers or the Carnegies. Nothing could be more heartless than the manipulation of financial mechanisms to cheat and starve the victims of stock market schemes. And yet the public or university libraries, the museums and all the rest, by the thousands, bear these names." writes the reviewer.

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